Introducing the Charlie2go story
It all started as a response to a friend’s request that the startup owners created this service. In short, in 2017, Anne-Marie, a friend, was going on vacation for three weeks from Abitibi. She wanted to get to the airport in her own vehicle and then leave it in a parking lot to which she had access in the West Island.
That’s when we decided to accommodate her: by offering her a vacant regular parking spot.” Then, out of curiosity, they wondered about the savings their friend made by avoiding airport parking.
Result: In addition to saving nearly $400 for the entire duration of her stay, Anne-Marie enjoyed priceless peace of mind!
” So, that’s where the original idea for Charlie2go was born: Offering a peer-to-peer service where a host offers their parking space for a specified duration to allow a renter (in this case, a traveler) to fly at a lower cost, all through an online platform that facilitates the meeting and reservation of spaces between intermediaries.”